Future Glasgow: “Transforming the Clyde Waterfront” Masterplan

CREATING STRONG TOWN CENTRES_Strategic development at Govan, Riverside and the SECC precinct is proposed to create centres for the new urban neighbourhoods which will support Glasgow’s growing population. These centres will have an ‘urban effect,’ raising levels of density, diversity and activity, which will spread across the Clyde waterfront and …

Future Glasgow: “A New Laurieston” Masterplan

River Clyde as Glasgow’s Urban Spine is a strategy that aims to re-connect the clyde and southern Glasgow to the city by addressing the broken city fabric and disconnected districts. As a first step towards that, and as a conclusion of all the analysis and proposed strategies, we did on …

Future Glasgow: “The Saint Enoch District Vision” Masterplan

Glasgow city centre is the hub of the city’s economy and life. The most attractive streets are in the heart of the city centre. However, as the radius extends, the quality of street front deteriorates. As it reaches the north bank of river Clyde there are a large amount of …

Future Glasgow: “Glasgow Cultural Hub” Masterplan

  “To develop a sequence of hubs with the qualities of a safe environment, to be engaging, and well connected (publicly accessible, highly permeable) with a rich and diverse experience throughout the river with varied identities, which depends on the hub strategies, thus resulting in high legibility and distinct perceived …

Future Glasgow: “New Govan / River Gateway” Masterplan

More people are choosing to live within an urban environment, and Glasgow will require a projected estimate of 47.000 new housing units by 2030. Strategically placing this (incrementally achieved) new density is important for the continued success of Glasgow, and implementing this in a sustainable manner is crucial for our …

Future Glasgow: “Connecting the Clyde” Masterplan

Our vision is to transform the River Clyde from a barrier to a place that provides quality of life. Places where the city meets the water, and more important, where people meet each other. Places for recreation, with beautiful paths for walks. Places to relax and enjoy the sun, by …

Future Glasgow: “Reclaiming Anderston” Masterplan

In the masterplanning of Anderston, this project facilitates remedial efforts to reclaim the identity of tenement lifestyle and character neighbourhood akin to Anderston’s former glory; provide housing stock to encourage rehabitation in Anderston; restoring its former ‘Heart of Anderston’ of Anderston cross, to present the crucial connection between the east …

Our new Paper on Masterplanning for Change at AESOP2015!

  We are proud to announce that our latest paper was accepted and presented at the 29th Annual AESOP 2015 Congress Definite Space – Fuzzy Responsibility  held between 13-16 July 2015 in Prague at the Czech Technical University (CTU). ***   *** Abstract: Unprecedented worldwide urbanisation, financial instability, climate change and emerging …