Glasgow city centre is the hub of the city’s economy and life. The most attractive streets are in the heart of the city centre. However, as the radius extends, the quality of street front deteriorates. As it reaches the north bank of river Clyde there are a large amount of passive units of car parks, vacant and private building that have no engagement with the streets. Damage done during the Industrial Revolution has made river Clyde lost its human scale resulting the river edge to be seen as fear zones.

St. Enoch district is often neglected despite being part of the city centre context. According to the site analysis, St Enoch district is 15% most deprived area in Scotland, due to large block and building development, which contributes to inaccessibility. The north bank of river Clyde is clearly underused and disconnected to the city centre by Clyde street.

In response to these issues, the proposed strategy seeks to establish stronger north-south connection that is pedestrian oriented. It also involves the redevelopment of vacant and historical sites and strategies of green connections and activities. These strategies aim to create a safe, vibrant and versatile community that celebrates its local history for people of all ages within the St Enoch Distrct.

To view the final boards, follow the links below:

Future Glasgow: “The Saint Enoch District Vision” Masterplan Board 1


Lim Wei Jinn (Winnie)