The foundation masterplan of Cumnock’s Town Centre aims to reconnect the town centre into a strong and cohesive centre of activities and attraction in 5 key moves:
1. Refocusing the pedestrian circulation and residential living into the the town centre, especially into the Main Square and High Street (Glaisnock Street)
2. Rebuilding the street edges and town structure
3. Re-qualifying the social quality of the public streets and squares while creating a well-linked sequence of landmarks and public spaces through the town centre
4. Re-greening and re-purposing the river edges into a connected ecological network
5. Re-diversifying the economic model and functions within the town centre
These key moves are then realized through a number of identified key project areas within the town centre. The challenge would be then to integrate these ideas with the existing historical built environment, topography and activities to create successful places and historically-sensitive buildings which will benefit the community and regenerate the town centre in incremental stages.