How and how well is the river Clyde connected and integrated to the city? To answer this question our students relied on the study of centrality of the urban network through Multiple Centrality Assessment (MCA). Through their analysis they calculated global and local centrality measures to estimate global betweenness, global closeness and local closeness (400 and 1200 metres were considered as optimal distances to capture the areas that have a high centrality in a local perspective) for the city of Glasgow as it is today and eventually suggested new connections. In particular they showed how, by increasing centrality around the River Clyde, through new connections across and along the river and the Clydeside Expressway, the overall connectivity of the area would be drastically improved.

To view the final boards, follow the links below:

Future Glasgow: Re-Clyde – Connections & Transport Board 1

Future Glasgow: Re-Clyde – Connections & Transport Booklet


Agnes Sandstedt
Johanna Rosvall
Foo Sik Weng