Large data-sets are today available to study the economic and demographic profile of cities: these provide us a great deal of information on deprivation, crime, employment, ownership, household composition, car ownership and about their distribution across the city. In our case we are particularly interested in the areas surrounding the river Clyde, an area high in potential but currently affected by many contradictions. Combining this type of analysis with an in-depth study of spatial characteristics of existing built-up areas and open spaces creates a powerful tool to investigate the relationship between socio-economic aspects and the characteristics of the urban fabric. This knowledge aims at understanding the unique character of each place as well as the necessarily place-specific issues that, if not properly address, can prevent them from being used effectively at their full potential.

To view the final boards, follow the links below:

Future Glasgow: Re-Clyde – Character Board 1

Future Glasgow: Re-Clyde -Character Booklet


Vernon Lee
Justine Ramage
Jamie Yeo
Ying Xi (Sabrina)
Yinmei Lho (Alexis)
Christos Papazacharias