Sighthill is interesting because it was never included in the city structure or policies as it was isolated and used as a railway and chemical industry facility. Therefore the land was underused since the railway and heavy industry disappeared and the large isolating infrastructures of railway and M8 motorway appeared. The intentions to improve Sighthill led to including the area to COD planning. The place is generally perceived as dangerous place, a haven for immigrants, drug dealers and criminals. Undermaintained Sighthill Park helps this atmosphere howevever has a great potential of being one of the leisure centres of the city (even more when connected to Clyde Canal).
Our vision is to create a neighbourhood with its identity, balanced density and good system of urbanised streets and public transport, which will be able to interact with Townhead, Royston and Port Dundas and attract desired activities. This will be achieved by downgrading the M8 motorway into a boulevard, creating a new urban fabric with adaptation of existing elements, creating new nodes and good distribution of densities and finally providing new functional public transport.
Group members:
- Martina Donatova (Erasmus Exchange)
- Tereza Haubeltova (Erasmus Exchange)