Before making plans, it is fundamental to be aware of what the city is today as well as what it looks like from planning documents.

To do so, an important focus is on the present condition of the area in its constituent factors: land ownership,environmental conditions, demographic and socio-economic characters and patterns of movement are key elements to build the background against which we are operating.

At the same time, an important step is to acknowledge the ambitions of local as well as national authorities through a careful study of the stratification of documents, projects and visions that have dealt and are still dealing with the study area in recent times.

This will be carried out through interaction and true engagement with relevant external subjects such as the Glasgow City Council and other stakeholders. In this way it will be possible to ground the knowledge of the place on solid basis and to understand how to make change matter with the help of those who can make change possible.

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Download The Planning Framework: board 7


Thomas Glen

Claudio Marini

Stuart Rennie

Allan Cameron

Osman Osman