Maryhill is a township that has a rich history , therefore , its Character has been slowly formed since. In the 1950s- 1960s when there were a lot of demolishing works of tenements , Maryhill ended up having large parcels of land that are empty and not in use. Causing a huge gap in the urban sprawl that makes the surrounding plots disconnected to what is beyond this parcel of land. These parcels of land can be seen as a strength as it is a space where future developments that are properly planned can take place at. Besides this , there are railway infrastructure that are not in use now, these became derelict when the Maryhill Central Station closed down, a potential that should be explored in terms of reusing and re-purposing these assets. Another unused infrastrucutre is the Fourth and Clyde Canal. However , green facilities and parks of Maryhill are poorly connected visually and physically to the neareast road. Making the canal unknown to many if they were not familiar with Maryhill.

Maryhill Road is the high street and “back bone” of Maryhill, acting as the main network and connection to the whole area.
Bringing back Maryhill Road as a high street of Maryhill in a fragmented urban landscape by improving the overall experience of Maryhill and establishing a strong dialogue between Maryhill Road with its adjacent spaces. Interventions and projects proposed are in relation to improving the businesses , services , connectivity, health, housing, placemaking, education and environment of Maryhill. These projects are spread out in the whole of Maryhill, connected throughout Maryhill by Maryhill Road. By acting on these plans, we aim to enhance the existing community, promote and activate Maryhill further at the same time cater to the needs of people of Maryhill.


Jakub Fraczek, John Lam, Lim Xian Ying, Lin Hao Peng, Nadin Mahmoud