The Planning Framework starts with an examination of the national policy trends, which will have an impact on Cumnock and the surrounding area. A specific look at the national developments in the region shows a lot of development focused on the Ayrshire coast and building up connectivity to Glasgow. Policies at the Ayrshire and East Ayrshire level are also examined, setting the context for any future development in Cumnock. At the more local level, the impact of Dumfries House, the Four Towns Enquiry by Design and the Knockroon development are noted, before a close examination of the local planning policies, constraints, planned developments and public ownership. A key comparison is drawn between the official road hierarchy and the hierarchy of streets as based on the areas and uses that they serve. The important role that local actors play in shaping the town is detailed and sources of funding as well as potential delivery mechanisms are identified. Finally the current patterns of land use and activity are assessed alongside a study of the accessibility of key local services.