Students: John MacLean, Roberta Bufi, Darren Baird, Laura Wallace, Christopher Kelly, Syed Zaidi, Kumtak Wong, Nornawar Nordin.
The aim is:
– To exploit the outstanding historic and natural attributes , breathing new life to the town centre restoring a strong positive identity to Govan.
– To develop distinctive places and create a vibrant, dynamic waterfront with international appeal.
– To stimulate the regeneration of communities, Increase job investment and training opportunities.
– To provide a wide range of affordable housing of varying tenure , whilst refurbishing specific areas to meet the needs of the local population and attract new occupants .
– To restore the confidence of the local population, a sense of CIVIC pride and reinstate Govan as a city wide attraction.
– To achieve high levels of connectivity through better transport infrastructure.
Strategies have been devised as for:
– Youth and crime
– Education and employment
– Housing
– Health
As for Housing, the strategy points out that:
– A significant house-building programme is required to increase and broaden the population base to a level where it can support local shops , schools and services.
– A wide mix of tenures is needed to attract an even distribution of wealth to help support neighbourhood facilities . Varying tenures will provide people with options to meet their circumstances without having to relocate favouring community stability.
– Renovate existing housing, specifically derelict properties to improve the overall image of the area , attract further investment and new residents.
From the Brief:
The overall scope of the strategic phase is the generation of strategic programmes for the development and management of transformation in Govan within its immediate territorial context.
This module aims to assist students in developing realistic urban regeneration programmes for the transformation of Govan and the riverfront in the larger urban context. In particular, on the basis of the information gathered in the previous analytical phase, students will formulate imaginative but at the same time realistic scenarios for the transformation of the site and the ‘making of place and mediation of space’, recognising and taking into account often contradictory forces and interests.
Students will compare emerging ideas for change and transformation and combine them to form a holistic strategy for the study area that takes into account formal, social, economic and environmental aspects of sustainable urban development. Throughout this process, students are requested to relate their strategy to the current urban design and planning debate.
At the end of this phase, students will be able to answer the following five questions:
What will Govan be in 20 years (vision)?
What are the leading factors that will lead this transformation (main themes for change)?
What specific activities and projects need to be implemented to guarantee the transformation you envisage, and who should be responsible for them (list of interventions, their link and delivery)?
– What is the spatial side of such changes? Can we draw it on
-Uni there anything we cannot – or we should not – draw that is nevertheless crucial, and in this case how can we ensure that our work on space supports, rather than inhibits, such self-organizing processes in the local community?
To formulate a vision and directions for the improvement of Govan and its urban context, their likely impact on space and how they can be combined into a coherent and positive framework for its sustainable regeneration.
To illustrate the best possible configuration of such framework through the design of hierarchies of centres, mobility, densities and open spaces.