Our plan for Milton focusses on connectivity, diversity, attractiveness, sustainability and quality. This approach is a relaunch, sharing many of its goals with the original Milton – attractive and comfortable housing during a shortage, modern living and an emphasis on community. But the face of Milton will change drastically – Milton will change from a quiet, rural feeling suburb to a dense and buzzing city district like its neighbours with a bustling urban core and varied and attractive housing surrounding it. The doubled population will bring an entirely new atmos- phere to the site and enable the social, sustainable and progressive identity that Milton should always have had. With the critical mass to sustainitself Milton will no longer be a forgotten appendix on the periphery of Glasgow but a destination within its own right and self-sufficient in manykey respects; not reliant on its neighbours for its services.
One of the most noticeable changes this plan makes to housing is the diversity of builds. Currently walking around the core of Miltonthe types of housing that can be seen are largely limited to tenements flats and terraced or semi-detached houses. This not only means a repeti- tive and uninspired design to behold but it limits the choice and thus the types of residents the area can attracts.
Within our design area we try to create conditions for new facilities and activities to develop such as the Industrial and Canal Museum, Learning Pottery Center and a Brewery that will be linked with the Bakery to form a sustainability cycle which will expand into different areas around Milton achieving ultimately a self sustaining community.
Prepared by
Khalid Ali, Ingrid Andreea Kovacs, Jordan Howard, Yasir Elawad