The Big City Challenge: Glasgow’s High Street
The theme of this year is the development of design visions for the long-term future of High Street in Glasgow, in response to a strategic interest of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Housing Association, the University of Strathclyde and local stakeholders (in particular, ROCK CIC Regen).With the help of famous urbanists such as David Rudlin (URBED), winner of the Wolfson Prize in 2014,Nicholas Boys Smith (CREATE Streets, London), we will implement the notion of‘Masterplanning for Change and other innovative approaches to the strategic and detailed design of the resilient city.
Our design objectives include but are not limited to: re-establishing High Street prominent character in the city; reconnecting the East End to the City Centre through a continuous, vibrant urban form; helping shape a unique Innovation District from the University into the city and vice versa, so to reinforce the image of an inclusive and socially progressive University; repairing and developing key sites with innovative housing and infrastructure; repairing connectivity and supporting local entrepreneurship.