Articles 2013: Street networks in 10 European cities, now out on EPB

Ref: Strano, E., Viana, M., Cardillo, A., Da Fontoura Costa, L., Porta, S., & Latora, V. (2013).Urban street networks: a comparative analysis of ten European cities. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 40(6), 1071doi: 10.1068/b38216. Download the paper We compare the structural properties of the street networks of ten different European …

Articles: 2013. MCA in professional practice, now out on Urban Design

Ref: Porta, S, Strano, E, Venerandi, A, Adam, R, Romice, O, Pasino, P & Bianchi, G., 2013, Centrality and Place-Making: Understanding and Designing Mixed Use Streets in Professional Masterplanning in Urban Design, no. 125, pp. 12-14. Download the paper Non-residential economic activities are the heart of mixed use streets. That makes …

Articles 2012: Elementary processes on Nature SR!

Ref: Strano, E. Nicosia, V. Latora, V. Porta, S. Barthelemy, M. (2012), Elementary processes governing the evolution of road networks, Nature Scientific Report, in print online. Link to the paper on Nature SR. Nature Asia-Pacific. EurekAlert. Urbanisation is a fundamental phenomenon whose quantitative characterisation is still inadequate. We report here the empirical analysis …

Monetary, Subjective and Quantitative Approaches to Assess Urban Quality of Life and Pleasantness in Cities

By Luca D’Acci   Abstract The magnitude increase of Urban Quality of Life studies is directly connected with the increase of the urban population in the world. Urban Quality of Life is a hierarchical multi-attribute concept whose attributes can be defined and evaluated by several kinds of methods such as …

GALE: UDSU awarded £1M EPSRC grant

UDSU (Prof. Sergio Porta) in partnership with University of Cambridge (PI) (Computer Lab, Dr. Cecilia Mascolo) and Queen Mary University of London (School of Mathematical Sciences – Complex Systems, Prof. Vito Latora) has been awarded almost £1M by EPSRC for a project named GALE: Global Accessibility to Local Experience. The project has …

Articles 2012: The Primal Approach reprinted in EP best works selection

Ref: Porta, S. Latora, V. Crucitti, P. (2012), The Network Analysis of Urban Streets: A Primal Approach, in Thrift, N. Barnes, T. Peck, J. (eds), “Environment and Planning”, Sage, London. *** *** Our benchmark article “The Network Analysis of Urban Streets: A Primal Approach”, originally published in Environment and Planning …

Community Potential Analysis in Cadder (Working Paper)

When planning for the development of an area, be this for its growth, downgrade, or simply for the rationalization of its current state, GIS tools are very useful in that they can offer an effective representation of the interaction between socio, economic and physical factors. The Community Potential Analysis is …

Urban Morphometrics (Working Paper)

Ref: Porta, S. Da Fontoura Costa, L. Morello, E. Viana, M., Strano, E. Venerandi, A. Romice, O. (2011), Plot-Based-Urbanism and Urban Morphometrics: Measuring the Evolution of Blocks, Street Fronts and Plots in Cities, Working Papers of the Urban Design Studies Unit at University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK. PDF is avaialbe here. Generative …