Milton is the result of a post-war housing scheme that aimed to relocate people in the suburbs as a way of dealing with housing shortage and slum clearance within Glasgow. However, over the years Milton has become a place that is “somewhere in the north” rather than a vibrantcommunity with a clearly defined identity.
This booklet comes as a continuation of the Analysis phase that aims to pull together the information gathered in the previous stage ofthe project and formulate a strategic response to the problems identifiedin in Milton. This booklet delivers a current concept plan that shows all the existing densities, street hierarchy, transport, environmental network etc. Following this mapping, a study of the main issued of Milton has been carried out that shows the main factors that are holding Milton back from becoming a vibrant community. This laid out the foundation on which the Strategy has been developed. The Strategy tackled the issuesidentified by coming up with a proposal that hopefully will eliminate theproblems that Milton is faced with and hopefully cater to the needs of the community. This is followed by a Proposed Concept Plan that illustrates the proposals made in the Strategy phase.
Martin Fleischmann, Ingrid-Andreea Kovacs, Lwin Mar Kyaw, Michele Saracini, Ruizhe Wang, Yiqiao Wang