The Urban Design Representation Course that is normally offered to the Masters students has now been converted into a CPD, a course offered to the larger design and planning community.
The course is a four day intensive workshop, offered on the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th of November (Wednesdays). Delegates in this course will receive a crash course on AutoCAD, Adobe Suite, Sketchup and Handrawing with full use of the programs on the University computers for the duration of the course (not just on the days of the week when the class is offered).
The sessions will focus on the uses of each of the programs, reasons to use the programs and examples of outputs/ results with the second half of the day being a hands on training, working through examples in the programs.
For the duration of the course, the instructors will be made available for help via email with an additional open- doors office hours session each week. You can register through the Strathclyde online shop here and search for “Urban Design Representation”.