The RTPI West of Scotland Chapter’s Convener John Walls reviews the Award for Excellence 2010 given to Peter Russell for his Masterplan of the Govan Area in Glasgow realized in our MSc in Urban Design course. In particular, John writes on the August 2010 issue of “ScottishPlanners”: “Peter Russell from Chicago was the winning student. The Panel considered his design offered an eminently deliverable solution”. The Panel also attributed a Commendation to Darren Baird and Mark Feeley, whose entry was “a real tour de force, and the overall analyses fascinated the Panel, the block adaptability analysis in particular”.
Finally, the Chapter’s Panel of assessors thought that “all submission were of the highest quality – a credit to the students, the Tutors and the University”.
Thanks to John and his fellow assessors for their kind commitment and the valuable work conducted on this assessment, and our best congratulations to Peter Russell, Darren Baird and Mark Feeley.