Thanks to our generous sponsors, Architecture and Design Scotland, there is now online access to the Keynote speeches of the IAPS 22 conference! The links below provide a brief summary of the context of the speeches and have links for both video and audio feeds. Additionally, there is a discussion of the reflections on the conference made by Diarmaid Lawlor, A + DS Head of Urbanism, specifically in regards to the following three questions:

  • How do we make place: what is the scope?
  • What scales work best?
  • How do we achieve impacts in a place setting?

The links to the webpages are below:

Keynote Speech by: Ian Bentley on ‘Human Settlements as Ecological Systems’

Keynote Speech by: Nabeel Hamdi on ‘Ordered Chaos: Practice in the Informal Cities of Everywhere’

Keynote Speech by: Gary Evans on ‘The Environment of Child Poverty’

Article: IAPS Conference: Lessons for the Practice of Making Places

Article: IAPS 22 Opens